So Glad You  Stopped By For  A Visit

Where am I? 

You're visiting a Shadows Publishing site

What's that? 

A group of websites, each with a different purpose but created by me.

Who are you? 

I'm Patti, also known as ShadowsPub on some of the sites where I write.

What do you write? 

Anything that catches my interest and I want to share.

Will you tell me about the sites?

My pleasure, there are currently four. They are ...

I write about writing. I'm always trying to improve mine.

I share public domain fiction and will be adding my own  stories.

My personal blog where I write what ever I take the notion to share

My soapbox. Yes I have opinions and will share them.

Where else do you write? 

Medium Uptrennd Hive Vocal.media

What if I want to know what you add? 

I have a newsletter called Shadow's News you can join.

Thanks for sharing. 

Thank you for coming by. Come back often.